With more than ten years of production experience

The source factory has a professional design and service team

       FanRoll Dice, a purveyor of metal dice sets and other premium materials including gemstones and acrylic, released the Rolling with Pride collection in preparation for Pride Month with a donation to benefit tabletop gamers.
        Collaborating with Tabletop Gaymers to create the Pride Dice Trays and Pride Silicone Dice is part of our commitment to creating something that is not only functional, but also meaningful. Each tray features a flag from the LGBTQ+ spectrum, and a set of dice represents the LGBTQ+ community and complements the trays.
        Tabletop Gaymers is an organization dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion by increasing the visibility and acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community through tabletop gaming. Their work in events, outreach and advocacy creates an environment where everyone can be themselves and be united by their love of the game.
       I had the opportunity to sit down with Neil Hoffman, owner of FanRoll Dice, to learn about his journey to creating these amazing products.
        Neil: I definitely have Peter Pan syndrome and don’t want to grow up. As an adult, I decided to make toys for a living and went back to school to get my MBA with the sole goal of getting a job at Hasbro. I worked for Hasbro for six years and then moved my family to Cincinnati where I started my own toy company, The Mensch on a Bench. Two years ago, a friend of mine told me that Metallic Dice Games was for sale. I wanted a new challenge, so I decided to roll the dice and go on a new adventure.
        I plan to introduce mass products and introduce innovation and branding like in the toy industry. Last year we announced partnerships with Paizo, Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast and are now focused on making each product unique. As a fan, I know that fans can tell the difference between criticizing a label and a labor of love!
        I love how expressively we play with blocks of different sizes and textures. We can make mini dice instead of giant ones, or metal or silicone ones, and we can put a lot of different things into the dice. For example, my favorite product released this year is our Giant Leprechaun Dice, where we put leprechaun heads into tennis ball sized dice in honor of the Pathfinder.
        One thing I immediately noticed at my first GenCon was the size and enthusiasm of the gay community. When we started testing new print colors on the trays and new colors for the silicone cubes, I thought there might be an opportunity to combine them with different LGBTQ+ flags.
        My concern is that we do our jobs correctly and not pander to or offend the community. I called the nonprofit Desktop Gays to ask for their advice and they were wonderful—both interested and enthusiastic about helping us. We have decided to donate a portion of the proceeds back to the organization to support the positive forces driving change in society.
        We’ve recently released Dungeons & Dragons, HeroQuest, Monopoly, Pathfinder and Valorant, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We introduced two new partnerships at GenCon and are always looking for more!
        Next up is GenCon, where we’ll be selling 3 exclusive items created specifically for the event. We had 3 booths and employed 12 staff, which was a huge effort for a small company like us. We love interacting with our fans, so we welcome everyone to stop by and talk about our content!
        I love Settlers of Catan! I have two sons who grew up playing this game and I love how it brings us together. I had the opportunity to meet the Teuber family at New York Comic Con and was inspired by their passion and vision. They have done an incredible job of expanding and nurturing their fan base and it is my dream to create amazing products for them!
       Sign up for the FanRoll Dice newsletter at fanrolldice.com for a chance to purchase exclusive items even if they sell out at the show.
        [He/Him] Robin is the founder of Gayming magazine. His mission is to proudly fly the LGBTQ flag in the world of video games and push for true representation in the industry, media, and games we love.

Post time: Jun-06-2024